Routine Appointments
Extended hours appointments are available for working patients between 08:00 – 09:00 Mon – Fri – these are limited and can be requested through our reception staff but are at the discretion of GP partners.
Routine nurse appointments are available Mon – Wed between 09:00 and 17:00 and Fri 09:00 – 16:00
Phlebotomy clinics run Mon – Wed 09:00 – 11:00, Thurs & Fri 08:00 – 11:00.
Urgent calls and requests are dealt with through our triage system.
If you request an urgent appointment you will be called back by our triage team and an appointment may be allocated. Your issue may be dealt with over the telephone or you may be directed to an appropriate allied health professional.
Please do not walk in to the surgery and expect to be seen. All face-to-face appointments with medical staff or ANPs are arranged through the telephone triage system. You may be asked to return home and make a call to be booked onto the triage list.
There are a number of routine telephone appointments each week available with GPs and nursing staff. If you are calling about a routine matter, our administration team will allocate you a telephone appointment where available. You may be asked to call back on another day, particularly if you are looking to speak to a specific doctor and their lists are full.
Please arrive early to your appointment, it may not be possible for you to be seen if you are late. Patients attending more than 10 minutes late will be automatically asked to reschedule. If you wish to reschedule or cancel an appointment, please let us know so that it can be offered to another patient.
You may be asked if your consultation can be recorded on video for training purposes. This is incredibly useful for feedback. You are not obliged to consent to this however, and refusing does not effect your care. All videos are stored as per GDPR guidance and treated like all medical information, in a secure and confidential manner. Videos are destroyed within 3 months or after review.
Out of Hours
Patients with an urgent problem out of hours are asked to telephone 111. In the event of a life threatening emergency dial 999.
Missed Appointments
Missed appointments waste practice time and prevent us from seeing patients. If you do not attend 3 appointments within a 3 month period you will receive a letter from the practice. You will not be able to book any further routine appointments without prior discussion with the Practice Manager. Continual non-attendance may risk removal from our practice list.
Scotlands national health information service. It aims to provide accurate and relevant information to help you make informed decisions about your own health and the health of the people you care for.
Patient Access lets you use the online services of your local practice. These may include arranging appointments, repeat medication, secure messages, medical record and updating your details.
NHS Attend Anywhere helps health care providers offer video call access to their services as part of their business as usual, day-to-day operations.